We appreciate your support!
Thank you for considering a tax-deductible donation to the Cape Elizabeth Music Program. You can make a donation here. The funds we raise support a range of annual programs that fall outside the school budget, including continuing education for teachers, one-on-one instrument instruction for every new band student at the 5th-grade Instrument Extravaganza, funding for visiting artists, and enrichment opportunities.
To Donate
Donate via GiveButter
using PayPal, Venmo, or Credit Card
Or send a check payable to Cape Elizabeth Music Boosters to:
Cape Elizabeth Music Boosters
c/o Todd Ketchum, Treasurer
37 Stone Drive
Cape Elizabeth, ME 04107
Please include a note with your email, phone number, address, and how you'd like your name(s) listed in our concert programs, especially if donating online. Thank you!
Please email capeelizabethmusicboosters@gmail.com with any questions.